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Ashton is one of the world's most sought after and well-respected premium brands. Ashton cigars are offered in six very different and distinct blends of cigar leafs and aging periods.
Introduced formally in 1978, the Baccarat line offers fourteen different sizes. The filler, binder and wrapper all hail from Honduras and the tips are sweetened by use of a special sealing gum.
The Bolivar line of cigars was introduced in Havana, Cuba 1901 by Simon Bolivar, a celebrated Venezuelan warrior.
A single puff can transport you anywhere. In the case of a puff from a CAO cigar, there is only one place you will be taken – heaven.
The Cohiba cigar, manufactured by General Cigars Company Inc., was first began in the Dominican Republic in 1978 and was reformulated in the 1990s.
The J.C. Newman Cigar Company, headquartered in Tampa’s Ybor City cigar district, is the oldest family-owned premium cigar company in the United States.
Don Diego makes an extremely mild cigar featuring filler and binder grown in the Dominican Republic and a Connecticut shade-grown wrapper.
The Excalibur 1066 is an extraordinary cigar that combines the tastes of Honduran filler tobaccos and a smooth, tangy Cameroon wrapper.
Fonseca cigars are a rich but mild smoke and the image of Francisco Fonseca, the original developer of this blend, remains on every box.
Made with a Connecticut Broadleaf maduro wrapper, a Dominican binder and a smooth Dominican blend of filler tobaccos, the Henry Clay is another fine cigar from Altadis U.S.A
Handmade in Honduras, the Hoyo de Monterrey blend began in Cuba and expanded to Honduras in 1969. Medium-bodied, Hoyo de Monterrey cigars come in a variety of sizes.
Montecristo. The world's most famous cigar trademark. Originating in Cuba, our Montecristo, now distributed in the U.S., is manufactured by hand in the Dominican Republic. Considered one of the finest cigars on the market.
The Montesino is a mild-bodied smoke with notes of wood and nuts followed by a short, sweet finish. They were among the first to be produced when Carlos Sr. and Carlos Jr. began making cigars in the Dominican Republic in 1980.
Premium Cigars at discount prices. We have one of the largest selections of cigars on the web. If you don't see it, call us, we can get it.